Thursday 19 July 2012

Want to recover deleted text messages from your cell phone?

It happens to us all, we accidentally erase a text message that either has some sort of sentimental value, or that contained some important information. You want it back, but there is absolutely no feature on your cell phone that allows you to recover it. Ever since cell phones have been around, it has been common knowledge that once something has gone, it has really gone, and you have no choice but to just completely give up on it.

However, it is a fact that these days there are certain ways that you can get your text message back after you have deleted them. This may not be the case for ever single message, but you can certainly recover deleted text messages that were recent, and that were previously saved on your SIM card, using a USB SIM card reader and a simple piece of free software online.

For those of you that have a smart phone such as the Apple iPhone, you can simply restore the iPhone to an earlier date, when the message will have been on the phone.

I have written guides to explain exactly how to do both of these, so please check out the following links:

How to recover deleted text messages from an iPhone.


Retrieving deleted text messages from a SIM card

Check out my squidoo article on texting symbols !

I have posted a new article on the article site Squidoo today, all about the differences between text message symbols, abbreviations and acronyms. These are something we are all responsible for using to some degree, after all who writes their text messages using perfect English and no smiley faces when they are happy with something?

The article links back to the main site where I have pages listing all of the popular and cool text message symbols, abbreviations and acronyms that you are likely to come across in your text messages. Why not have a look at the article and help me promote it by liking it on facebook, or tweeting it on twitter?

The article can be found here:

You never know you may end up picking up something new to put in your own text messages to your friends and family. The pages are updated on the site on a regular basis, so if you have looked before you can always check back again soon.

Monday 2 July 2012

What is 4G and when will it be available in the UK?

Living in the United Kingdom, I long ago became used to the fact that everything that is desirable in the realms of technology, comes out in the USA first. It is no different with 3g's replacement 4g.

This is already available in the USA, but in the UK there is not much sound of it approaching, in fact if it is on it's way anytime soon it is undoubtedly creeping up! You have to think that this is incredibly unlikely because it is something that millions of people are going to want to take advantage of, so that means big bucks for cell phone manufacturers and the companies that provide the 3g technology.

So you have to think that we are going to be into 2013 by the time that 4g is introduced here.

For anyone who is wondering what 4g technology is, let me briefly explain.

The acronym ''4g' means 'fourth generation', and this is the latest and greatest signal technology that is used by cell phones to transfer data, or use the internet in plainer terms. 3g is the current standard of technology that we have here in the UK, but look at this as the newer, faster, and more reliable version of it.

The new 4g network is supposed to be able to run at the same speed as the broadband you are used to using at home on your laptop, tablet and desktop computer. This will help the speed of internet browsing, the ability to upload and download, and the streaming of videos.

The overall web experience on a cell phone will be vastly improved.

Although rumors online say that the chances are the first 4g network will be up and running before the end of 2012, I simply don't believe that myself. I think it will more likely me early 2013.

There has been some controversy recently about adverts for the iPad saying it is can work on 4g here in the UK, which is not the case as the configuration of the iPad for 4g will not work with the UK networks as the frequency will be different.

To find out more about what both 3g and 4g are, visit my website :