Monday 25 June 2012

Save you call time/calling credit and use text message acronyms and abbreviations

If there is one thing that can be a real drain on your cell phone calling credit it is long text messages. If you have a lot to say this can mean that a single text message ends up being doubled, or even trebeled, costing you more than you want to pay.

The obvious answer is to just to try and get your point across by saying less, bu this is often easier said than done. But there really are easier ways to say all you want to say, in a way that is not going to eat up all your calling credit, and lead to you spending a fortune on cell phone tops up all the time.

Text message acronyms are the answers, along with text message abbreviations. These are ways of shortening words and sentences so that you can cram all that you have to say in the single text message.

There are so many text message acronyms that are used every single day, you probably use some without evening noticing it. An acronym is basically a word that is made up with the first letters of other words, such as LOL 'Laugh Out Loud', or SMH which means 'shaking my head'. I am sure you have used one of these before in social communication right?

If you can shorten sentences with texting acronyms, and words with texting abbreviations, then you are going to be making life much easier for yourself when it comes to the text messages that you send, and cheaper in the long run as it will save you so much calling credit.

An abbreviation is just a way that you can shorten a single word, for example a couple of common text message abbreviations are:

Thank you - Thnku
Love you - Luvu
About - Abt

The list goes on and on.

Just try typing out a text message normally and then the same text message with as many text message acronyms and abbreviations in as possible, and see the difference. All it needs each message is to save you one text message, and if that is 10 cents then you are saving a dollar of call time for every 10 text messages that you send! Over the course of a week, month, or year you really are going to be doing yourself a favor!

To find out a full list of text message acronyms and abbreviations check out my website at the link below.