Monday 30 April 2012

More to cell phones than making calls

As we all know, ever since the introduction of the smartphone it has been possible to do more and more with your cell phone. From the basics of making a call or sending a text message, you can now speak to people face to face on video with FaceTime on the Apple iPhone, you can surf the internet, play all sorts of games, watch movies, the list goes on and on. It is also a fact that almost everybody has a cell phone these days, from kids at school to the elderly, so this is a subject that has an incredibly wide appeal.

Using this blog as well as my website, I am hoping to share my thoughts and views on the topic with as many people as possible across the internet. At the same time it would be great for those that have an interest in cell phones to interact as well so that we are all sharing ideas and information on anything from which the best cell phone on the market today, to the things that annoy you about a certain cell phone model, such as the annoyingly short battery life of the Apple iPhone!